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Creating a Legacy

As a speaker, Jennifer Cresswell takes business owners and their leadership teams on a journey from surviving to thriving to creating the business legacy of their dreams.

Available for:

  • Keynotes

  • Interviews

  • Panel Discussions


  • Break-out Sessions

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  • LinkedIn
Jennifer Cresswell
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Speaker Bio

Following a career path she calls "the road less traveled," Jennifer shares the expertise of her problem-solving mind coupled with her real-world leadership experience.​


Jennifer has always enjoyed speaking, from winning a speech contest in high school to now sharing her love of science with elementary-age children. While earning an engineering degree at Cornell University, she realized that speaking - and, in fact, communication in general - was one of her superpowers.


Not only did this result in her being selected early in her career to lead conference presentations for an international financial institution, but it also helped her rise quickly into leadership positions in smaller businesses from consulting to sales to operations.

Jennifer now translates CEOs' visions into actionable strategies for leaders and their staff to surpass their goals. including growing a business 4x after which it was acquired, and even integrating two vastly different business models with no personnel attrition.​


As a speaker, Jennifer expertly parlays the twists and turns of her career into relatable - and actionable - recommendations for her audience. She connects with them personally and professionally by providing logical insight into creating long-lasting businesses, overlayed with an empathetic understanding that people and relationships are at the heart of all companies.

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Baking Class

On A Personal Note

When not speaking or consulting with clients, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, playing tennis, cooking and baking, crafting, and learning new things.

Holding Ball & Racket

Area Manager, DE

"Excellent information for business owners beginning their succession planning journey!"


"A great session on thinking about culture and building a solid base. Makes you think about what is next."

Business Owner, TX

"Incredible insight from a wonderfully intelligent person."
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